The GEM-JC project procurement team has recently compiled a procurement booklet that summarizes the know-how on procuring equipment and consumable materials accumulated through the project period.
To introduce and distribute this booklet to the GEM-CC staff and get a grasp of their honest opinions on procurement, the project procurement team and the GEM-CC conservation experts gathered at the project office to hold procurement study sessions on August 30th and September 7th.
In the first session held on August 30th, the participants from the GEM-CC first shared their thoughts on procurement and how much they understood the process by answering the quizzes given by the procurement team. Later on in the session, the participants reviewed the procurement process from Japan, reconfirming the overall lead time and points to keep in mind for each means of transportation: carry-on by traveling experts, air, and ocean.
In the second session held on September 7th, the participants discussed details on procurement management, such as market research and selection of vendors in Egypt, which are described in detail in the procurement booklet, and inventory management methods, taking into account how each laboratory manages their inventory.
Through the two study sessions, the GEM-CC staff has successfully deepened their understanding of the procurement methods applied by the GEM-JC project. Additionally, it was a great opportunity for the project procurement team to interact with the GEM-CC staff, appreciate their true opinions, and learn about their procurement system and methods.