
  On 5th of May this year, after the two experts Mr. Matsuda and Mr. Suemori are appointed, regular meetings started with the heads of the conservation and chemical analysis labs in the GEM-CC.

The first meeting was in the office of the Deputy Director of the Centre attended by six heads of departments. Mr. Matsuda started explaining the purpose of the meeting and then Mr. Suemori continued. The explanation was all about the comprehensive training session which will be held soon entitled “Integrated Pest Management” and the other session on the analysis devices used in conservation and other continuous studies for the management of the center’s internal environment.

They discussed the concept of comprehensive training session supposed to be held on the second stage and on the training method of the coming training sessions. In addition to communicating with each other to deliver information related to the events going on these days. The conservators also explained the role of the GEM-CC which will be open soon and how they are thinking seriously about the training of the human resources including the 66 newcomers who joined the center.

The attendance was the main conservators who participated in various training courses held previously by JICA and they are the real basis of the GEM-CC. Through the discussions, they could reach a common point of view together with the conservators so they can all go on for one goal. The meeting provoked the feeling of the beginning of co-operation in conservation field.


 During the first meeting

Mr. Matsuda and Mr. Medhat, chief of the department exchanging opinions