On September 6th 2015, about 32 members of the Japanese Commerce and Industry Association have visited the GEM-CC.

In the beginning of the visit, Mr. Ohba from the Embassy of Japan in Egypt has made an opening speech about the cooperation between JICA and the GEM/GEM-CC project.

After Mr. Ohba’s speech, General Director of the GEM Dr. Tarek Tawfik has made a presentation about the future plans for the GEM project.

JICA GEM-CC project office Chief Advisor Mr. Nakamura Mikio has also made a presentation about the cooperation between JICA and the GEM-CC project, and also about the past phases of the project.

The members of Commerce and Industry Association then started taking a tour around the GEM-CC, visiting various conservation laboratories, and receiving explanation about the processes of conserving various kinds of artifacts, after which they visited the GEM-CC store rooms.

After ending their tour around the laboratories and store rooms, the members of Commerce and Industry Association then went to visit the GEM construction site.

Mr. Ohba's speech
Dr. Tarek's Presentation
Mr. Nakamura's Presentation
Members of the Japanese Commerce and Industry Association visiting conservation laboratories
Members of the Japanese Commerce and Industry Association visiting storerooms