The team members of the Wood Lab at GEM-CC are continuing diagnostic analysis on King Tutankhamen’s chariots using a high magnification digital microscope to identify the previous conservation processes that were done on the artifacts, and also identify the aspects of degradation in a non-destructive analysis.
The digital microscope was also used to observe the presence of any dirt that is attached to the surface of the artifact that can’t be seen with the naked eye.
This analysis helps the conservators determine the required conservation treatment, as well as how each part of the artifact should be conserved.
Moreover, wood lab members used the digital microscope in its portable state to conduct the wood identification by observing the cell structure of the wood for the chariots.
Moving the heavy wooden artifacts is a very complicated process and could harm the artifact. Thus, the usage of portable microscope allowed for a quick and safe analysis by non-destructive technique that’s expected to yield many fruitful insights.