Press Release: Transportation of King Tutankhamun’s Chariot to the Grand Egyptian Museum

The team of the Grand Egyptian Museum Joint Conservation Project (GEM-JC Project) completed the transportation of King Tutankhamun’s 4th Chariot on 10th April 2018. The Chariot had been exhibited at Luxor Museum, which made the transportation team concerned about the timing of the transportation due to the sudden climate changes that […]

Wood Unpacking

December 20 (Wed) Unpacking of objects While many people are watching the Tutankhamun’s chariot and textiles transported from the Egyptian Archaeology Museum and unpacked at GEM-CC. Egyptians and Japanese, everyone on the spot, concentrate on the boxes at the moment of opening them. Conservators check the condition of the object […]

Press Release: Another Transportation of Tutankhamun’s Chariot and Textiles

Press Release -December 20, 2017 (Wed) “Another Transportation of Tutankhamun’s Chariot and Textiles completed” The Grand Egyptian Museum Joint Conservation Project (GEM-JC Project), a joint project run by Grand Egyptian Museum, Ministry of Antiquities and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), had completed the transportation of another chariot and 2 textile […]